Australasia's home for timber news and information

A tree of life for more than 9500 plant species

An international team of researchers, including scientists from CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, have produced a genomic ‘tree of life’ using the DNA sequences of more than 9,500 flowering plant species. The tree of life presents the most up-to-date understanding of floweri
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Huge 3D printer to help build more houses

Surpassing its own 2019 Guinness World Record for the largest polymer 3D printer, the University of Maine in the US unveiled a next-generation printer that is four times larger than its predecessor to catalyse the future of sustainable manufacturing in a number of industries. Source:
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COFO in Rome with World Forest Week

The 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) will be held on 22-26 July 2024 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy in a hybrid format. The biennial sessions of COFO bring together high-level representatives, heads of forest services, government officials and partner organizations t
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Rewarding the best in biosecurity

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Australian Biosecurity Awards that recognise individuals, groups and organisations that have shown a commitment to supporting and promoting Australia’s biosecurity and the systems that underpin it. Source: Timberbiz Nominations can be made by anyo
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March worst month for new house approval in 12 years

New building approvals data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics have once again painted a concerning picture of the nation’s housing crisis. Source: Timberbiz The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its monthly building approvals data for March 2024 for detached house
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Forest Practices Awards open for excellent foresters

The Forest Practices Awards are presented by the board of the FPA to recognise excellence in various areas of expertise in the Tasmanian forest practices system. Source: Timberbiz The highly skilled and experienced people who continually strive for excellence in their varied roles are
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New Zealand’s forestry trade outlook

New Zealand’s forestry trade is presently dominated by three countries, Australia, Japan and Korea. Between them, these countries absorbed 74% of New Zealand’s 1995 exports. This market concentration leaves New Zealand vulnerable to downturns in any of these markets and is
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Don Carson retires from FOA

Well known spokesperson Don Carson’s worked his last day at the New Zealand Forest Owners Association last week. He retires after eight years at FOA and decades within the primary industries, at organisations like Federated Farmers and the Wool Board. Sources: Friday offcuts, Timberbi
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Tree Alliance Knowledge Hub for Tasmania

Private Forests Tasmania has launched an interactive knowledge hub for Tasmanian landowners to learn about the positive impact integrating commercial trees can have on their properties. Source: Timberbiz The Tree Alliance Knowledge Hub and its content have been developed in consultati
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Mining could be shackled if Gippsland forests are locked up

Miners and small prospectors fear that the state government’s study into the future of Gippsland’s forests could lock up swathes of forest and shackle mining as a driver of local economic growth and jobs. Source: Philip Hopkins, Latrobe Valley Express Both the Minerals Council of Aust
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