Australasia's home for timber news and information

Imports of blood timber from Myanmar

June marked three years since the EU joined the US in introducing measures to prevent Myanmar teak from reaching their markets. Yet, millions of euros worth of shipments of the timber have since entered both countries. Source:  Environmental investigation agency Teak has been called t
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Timber! How wood can save the world

A new book, ‘Timber! How wood can help save the world from climate breakdown’ is set to cause controversy in the conservative world of construction and in the more traditionally minded elements of the environmental movement will be published tomorrow. Source: Timberbiz The carbon emis
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Amazon ditches plastic pillows in favour of paper packaging

Amazon has replaced 95% of its plastic air pillows from delivery packaging in North America with paper filler, working toward full removal by the end of the year. Source: Timberbiz The company said that it wanted to ensure that customers received their items undamaged, while using as
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Young myrtle rust busters

Scion has launched a new interactive learning app designed to empower rangatahi (young people) and communities with knowledge about myrtle rust. Source: Timberbiz Developed with a focus on accessibility and engagement, the ‘E heke e Heka!’ app combines innovative technology with cultu
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Turning wood into concrete building blocks

Researchers at UNSW Canberra have developed a green alternative to traditional concrete blocks, addressing both environmental concerns and the rising demand for sustainable construction materials. Source: Timberbiz Led by Dr Amar Khennane, Dr Jong-Leng Liow and their research team, th
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Oji releases its sustainability report

Oji Fibre Solutions (OjiFS) one of Australasia’s leading manufacturers of pulp, paper and wood-fibre based packaging solutions has released its 2023 Sustainability Report: Taking us Forward. Source: Timberbiz The company’s five-year Sustainability Action Plan, ‘Connecting
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Timber Qld Growth Scholarships closing

Applications close this Sunday for Timber Queensland’s Growth Scholarships. The scholarships are open to architects, builders, certifiers, harvesters, machine operators, engineers, plantation workers, operations staff behind the scenes (like HR, Marketing & Accounts), studen
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Increasing the area of trees in Southern Australia

The Perennial Prosperity Project is making significant strides in transforming the agricultural landscape of Tasmania. The project, led by CSIRO, aimed to increase the area of trees on farms in southern Australia in a way that would improve farm enterprise sustainability, profitabilit
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What Australia can do better to protect against catastrophic bushfires

Forestry Australia is hosting its inaugural two-day Fire Summit 2024 on Prescribed Fire: Exploring Science, Culture and Practice, at the University of Melbourne today and tomorrow to examine this critical topic. Source: Timberbiz More than 30 experts from universities, government agen
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Double trouble from extreme bushfires

  Extreme bushfires have more than doubled in frequency and intensity over the past two decades, according to a global study from the University of Tasmania. Source: Timberbiz Published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, the research reveals that six of the past seven y
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