Australasia's home for timber news and information

Lack of demand drops lumber prices further

Since mid-2022 when interest rates, especially mortgage lending rates started going up, home builders and lumber buyers became extremely cautious in purchasing of manufactured wood products. Source: Madisons Lumber Reporter In general players avoided stocking up on lumber inventory, m
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Fool around with wooden crayons

About two-thirds of Japan is covered completely with trees, with around 40% being artificially planted. To maintain the forest’s health, trees must be routinely harvested and replanted, however declining import costs have resulted in little incentive to use the country’s wood, meaning
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FSC Forest Futures leverages scientific research to assess the world’s forests

The Forest Stewardship Council has released its flagship publication, Forest Futures. This pivotal work leverages current scientific research to assess the state of the world’s forests and explore their potential for profound change. It underscores the vital role of forest stewardship
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Austral Plywoods approaches 100th birthday with new products

Austral Plywoods has long been a staple in the Australian forest and wood products industry, known for supplying premium appearance-grade plywood for almost a century. Source: Timberbiz From its Brisbane mill, the company has been operational since 1925, manufacturing products exclusi
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Stewards of our forests

From endemic species to sacred sites, all natural habitats, especially forests, hold inherent conservation values. Those known as ‘high conservation values’ (HCVs) reserves encompass high biological, ecological, social, and cultural significance. Source: Timberbiz Timberla
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Landslide susceptibility model to be applied in NZ

New Zealand’s Gisborne Council’s Landslide Susceptibility and Connectivity Model will soon be applied to land use planning in Tairāwhiti. This is part of the work underway to improve forestry and farming practices across the region. Source: Timberbiz The model, completed by Manaaki Wh
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NZ’s groundbreaking deal to remove tariffs including wood

New Zealand has concluded a groundbreaking trade deal with Costa Rica, Iceland, and Switzerland, to remove tariffs on hundreds of products that benefit sustainability and the environment, Trade and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay said. Source: Timberbiz The Agreement on Climate Chang
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KSI Sawmill to supply Greenhill with timber residues

Greenhill Energy and KSI Sawmills have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support both companies’ commitment to sustainability and underpin supply of sustainable biomass at scale to Riverbend Energy Hub. Source: Timberbiz Under the MOU, subject to regulatory approvals
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Sustainable Timber Tas’ Three Year Wood plan

Sustainable Timber Tasmania has released the annual update to its Three Year Wood Production Plan 2024-2025 to 2026-2027 to the Tasmanian community. Source: Timberbiz The Three Year Wood Production Plan can be accessed on Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s website at The p
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WoodSolutions rebrand managed by FWPA

  Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) is set to spearhead an initiative highlighting the advantages of timber framing in construction, promising a significant boost to its promotion efforts. Source: Timberbiz First established in the Australian Forest Products Association’s
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