Australasia's home for timber news and information

Canada invests in low carbon construction

New, low-carbon construction materials and technologies allow the building and use of greener, climate-resilient homes in Canada which is why the Canadian government is funding FPInnovations for three projects. Source: Timberbiz The funding includes investments to support the use of l
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Increase in roundwood harvesting in Finland

According to the Finnish Natural Resources Institute (Luke), roundwood harvested for industrial purposes in Finland was 4.1 million cubic metres in June 2024, an increase of 4% compared with June 2023. Sources: Global Wood, Luke Despite this rise, the volume was 3% lower than the aver
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FSC Welcomes the EU Nature Restoration Law

FSC is celebrating the entry into force of the European Union’s Nature Restoration Law, a major step forward in the effort to restore and protect Europe’s forests and natural ecosystems. Source: Timberbiz Effective from 18 August 2024, the Nature Restoration Law sets forth
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Borneo’s giant fossil seeds migrated to Australian rainforests

Ancient fossil beans about the size of modern limes, and among the largest seeds in the fossil record, may provide new insight into the evolution of today’s diverse Southeast Asian and Australian rainforests, according to Penn State researchers who identified the plants. Source: Timbe
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OFO photo competition to inspire students

OneFortyOne has launched its photo competition, Corporate Affairs Manager Charlene Riley said the competition was designed to inspire students to venture into the forest and forge a deeper connection with their natural surroundings. Source: Timberbiz “Plantation pine forests are an ic
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Decades of data for more productive plantations

Three recently completed, FWPA-funded projects using data spanning 30 years in Australian forestry plantations have resulted in actionable recommendations and guidance for improving productivity, profitability and health of plantation forests. Sources: Timberbiz, FWPA The three projec
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Why Pines? A concern for NZ forest owners

Forest owners are concerned that the environmental and socioeconomic benefits of pine forests have been misrepresented by rhetoric in a new land use report. The report, Why Pines?, produced and published by Our Land and Water (Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai) National Science Challenge
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Why Pines? NZIF welcomes the research

The New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) welcomes the recent publication of the paper titled Why Pines? A Context for Recent Research Results from the Our Land and Water science challenge. This important research provides a valuable context for understanding the role of pine fores
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Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme inquiry

The Tasmanian Forest Products Association has welcomed news the Australian Senate will be conducting an inquiry into the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (TFES) over the coming months. Source: Timberbiz TFPA Chief Executive, Nick Steel, congratulated Tasmanian Senator Tammy Tyrre
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Vocal bipartisan support for forestry

Following ongoing vocal bipartisan support for forestry in the Tasmanian State Parliament, the Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) has welcomed similar support from the two major parties in our nation’s capital this week. Source: Timberbiz TFPA Chief Executive, Nick Steel, sa
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