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Kidd to chair Frame & Truss National Safety Council

Andrew Kidd with his wife Sue.

Andrew Kidd has been appointed chairman of the Frame & Truss National Safety Council. Source: Timberbiz

Mr Kidd has an extensive background, spanning over more than two decades at Dahlsens.

His work in varied roles – from Transport & Warehouse Manager to Safety Manager – equips him with a holistic understanding of the complexities that frame and truss operations encompass.

He also holds a Diploma of Work Health and Safety and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

The accolades from colleagues and members of the FTMA community speak volumes about Mr Kidd’s character and capabilities. Andrew’s competence and his unwavering support during challenging situations is exactly what our members need, providing support, particularly in times of distress, is an invaluable trait that will serve the FTNSC and FTMA members exceptionally well.

With meetings already being organised with various WorkSafe authorities throughout the country, it’s clear that Andrew’s leadership will usher in a proactive approach to tackling workplace safety challenges.

His vision includes implementing effective safety initiatives tailored to the specific needs of the frame and truss sector, all while nurturing a culture of safety among our members.