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Richard Stanton Award goes to SA’s Monique Blason

Responsible Wood’s CEO Simon Dorries with Monique Blason and Responsible Wood’s Chair Dr Tony Bartlett.

ForestrySA’s General Manager of Community Services Monique Blason is this year’s recipient of the Richard Stanton Memorial Leadership Award for excellence in sustainable forest management and chain of custody certification. Source:  Timberbiz

The award was presented by Responsible Wood’s CEO Simon Dorries and Chair Dr Tony Bartlett at an Australian Forest Products Association dinner in Melbourne.

The award honours the legacy of Richard Stanton, a former Australian Forestry Standard CEO whose dedication to the

responsible management of forest resources continues through the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme.

The award celebrates individuals who demonstrate excellence and leadership in the principles of sustainable forest management and the promotion of the RWCS.

Ms Blason, who is also a director on the Forestry Australia board, commitment extends beyond forest management. She has embraced the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme, ensuring that all managed sites proudly display the Responsible Wood logo, like along the popular Wilampa Trail. Her efforts in promoting sustainable forestry and her collaboration with First Nations groups to provide access to native trees for traditional uses further showcase her dedication to cultural heritage.

Her leadership and dedication set a new benchmark for sustainable forest management in Australia. Her team manages over 16,000 hectares of Native Forest Reserves and supports conservation and recreational activities across 10,000 hectares of commercial pine plantations in the Adelaide Hills. Monique has become a leader in championing the non-wood benefits of forests, including biodiversity conservation and recreational opportunities for local communities.

As part of this year’s award, Monique received a unique handcrafted Blackwood bowl, turned from a burl sourced from Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s certified forest estate. The bowl was created through a certified chain of custody supply chain, including Island Specialty Timbers and Darryl Freestone, a proud member of Wood Connect, Australia’s largest chain of custody group.