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AFPA welcomes new forestry minister

New Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry the Hon Julie Collins

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has welcomed the new Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry the Hon Julie Collins, who it says brings a wealth of knowledge to the role having held the portfolios in Opposition, as well as new Assistant Minister the Hon Anthony Chisholm. Source: Timberbiz

The AFPA also thanks The Hon Murray Watt for his efforts improving the sector under the Albanese Government, with the rollout of several industry initiatives, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA), Diana Hallam said.

“We welcome Minister Julie Collins back to the forestry portfolio where she provided excellent representation for forest industries in the then Albanese Opposition, prior to the 2022 Federal Election.

“Julie worked closely with industry on the policy and funding plan that has and is still being delivered for the sector. We look forward to working with Julie Collins and Anthony Chisholm to ensure forest industries realise their potential for the economy, climate and communities,” Ms Hallam said.

“Furthermore, Minister Collins comes directly from the Housing portfolio and understands the critical connection between forestry, timber and climate friendly housing. As a Tasmanian also, Minister Collins also appreciates the value of our native, plantation and downstream manufacturing cogs in the forestry sector.

“Forest industries also thank Murray Watt for his service since taking the reins in the portfolio following the 2022 Federal Election. As Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister, Murray Watt helped guide the industry through manufacturing and plantation grant processes that were set up, alongside delivery of Australian Forest and Wood Innovations (AFWI) and other initiatives like the Strategic Partnership.

“We thank Minister Watt’s diligence and attention to our sector during his time as Minister, as well as his engagement with AFPA and broader industry.

“Forest industries in Australia are still in a critical phase with the confluence of different areas of government policy, including climate change, the economy and jobs and of course housing. Forest industries are critical to all of these national and international policy issues. Under new Minister Collins and Assistant Minister Chisholm, we look forward to working further with the Albanese Government on the role our sector can play,” Ms Hallam concluded.