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Canterbury West Coast Wood Council awards

Back Row (left to right): Jarryd Da Fonseca, Nathan Sew Hoy, Ryan Lee, Chris Murphy, David Button, Desiree Hollister, Graeme McCartin, Glenn Moir. Front Row (left to right): Ben Millar, Derrick Parry, Ebony Hillman, Aaron Tahuhu, Natalia Darling, Jason Lyon, Dave Moni.

New Zealand’s Canterbury West Coast Wood Council (CWCWC) held its second ever awards night in August at the Te Pae Convention Centre in Christchurch. It was a sellout event with 420 guests attending from all parts of the industry. Source: Timberbiz

CWCWC is unique in that its membership welcomes all those from across the supply chain, including nursery growers, forestry companies, contractors, distributors, sawmillers, timber retailers, local port businesses and councils.

Opening the night was Glenn Moir, chair of CWCWC, who highlighted the importance of forestry to our local regions and the 2000 plus jobs it creates. He attributed this mostly to the benefits of growing Pinus radiata.

Local MP for Selwyn Hon Nicola Grigg and Minister of State for Trade, Minister for Women, and Associate Minister of Agriculture spoke of the improvements the new government aims to make for the industry. Also in a video presentation, Forestry Minister Todd McClay talked on current forestry initiatives and promoting economic growth in the regions.

The Canterbury West Coast Forestry Awards showcases the exceptional skills of the local workforce and acknowledges those businesses that are accomplishing notable achievements.

This year there were 40 nominations received that went on to be judged by John Hawkins, Dr Elizabeth Heeg and Mark Grover. The judges were impressed by the high standard of nominations. Winners were selected for each of the 10 award categories.

First up on stage was the award winner for Business Innovation – TrackIT Logistics developed by Chris Murphy and his team. TrackIT logistics is an easy-to-use software solution for businesses to streamline their logistics management with efficiency.

Next for the Business Awards section was C3 Limited taking out the award for Crew of the Year.

For the Individual Awards this year’s winner for Harvesting Excellence was David Button from Button Logging. Mr Button and his team play a crucial role in the success of the harvesting environment. They have the ability to regularly adapt to meet the forever changing challenges that harvesting brings.

The award for Wood Processing Excellence went to Ben Millar from Mitchell Bros.

Nominated more than once was Jason Lyon better known as Bert from Steve Murphy Limited for Distribution Excellence. Mr Lyon excels in his role and is extremely well respected. He spends his day in a constant juggling act between logging contractors, forest managers, sawmills and the port.

Aaron Tahuhu from SRS New Zealand Limited was the deserving recipient of the Emerging Talent of the Year award.

The Forestry Excellence award went to an indispensable forestry representative Nathan Sew Hoy of Central Forestry Services.

Achieving the Outstanding Environmental Management award was Ryan Lee from Lee Logging.

The worthy winner of the Outstanding Health and Safety Management award was Ebony Hillman from Westco Lumber.

To finish the night the Outstanding Contribution to the Forestry Industry award was presented to Derrick Parry of Rangiora Nursery. Mr Parry has given a lifetime’s commitment to forest nursery production in New Zealand and has always been passionate about growing the highest quality trees.

Special mentions were also given to all the sponsors that contributed significantly towards the night, making the event possible. The Canterbury West Coast Wood Council was thrilled to see the people of the regions coming together for this very important occasion.


GOLD – Rayonier Matariki Forests, Port Blakely, Laurie Forestry Limited, Forest Management Group, Rangiora ITM, TrackIT Logistics, C3 Limited, Westco Lumber, McAlpines Timber, SRS New Zealand

SILVER – WIDE Trust, Competenz, FISC, Te Uru Rakau

BRONZE – Patchell, Forest360, Trans Tasman Forestry, Total Energies, UDC, Sutherland Timber, One Stop Deck Shop