Australasia's home for timber news and information

American and Canadian firefighters to boost Victoria’s regional firefighting effort

Premier John Brumby today welcomed an expert team of 15 forest firefighters from the United States and Canada who arrived in Victoria to boost the state’s firefighting capacity.
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New truck scheduling system could save the forestry industry big money

FastTRUCK, brainchild of Research Fellow Mauricio Acuna, has been hailed as a major step forward in trucking and logistics in the forestry industry.
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GBCA decision on timber credits good news for engineered wood

The decision by the Green Building Council of Australia to revise its timber credit to allow equal consideration of the Australian Forestry Standard and Forest Stewardship Council schemes ‘levels the playing field and gives Australian and New Zealand members hard-won access to the gre
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Trees on Farms

An innovative tree planting project being developed by Forestry Tasmania will deliver significant benefits to farmers and help offset global warming.
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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir, Why do Governments waste money on environmental studies, judicial enquiries, and natural resource assessments, when they have no intention of accepting recommendations contrary to their wishes?
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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir, Why do Governments waste money on environmental studies, judicial enquiries, and natural resource assessments, when they have no intention of accepting recommendations contrary to their wishes?
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Alternatives to clearfelling

The development of variable retention silviculture will open the way for Forestry Tasmania to retain stands of old growth trees in regrowth forest, in line with international best practices.
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Seeking a sustainable timber industry

The Green Building Council of Australia has announced the release of a revised Timber credit effective January 1, 2010, which allows for equal consideration of the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) schemes. This is an outstanding outcome for the A
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Forestry initiative to transform desert in carbon credit offset push

Diversified hydrocarbon explorer, Central Petroleum, may be looking to discover and extract large volumes of hydrocarbons from the parched deserts of Australia’s “Red Centre” – but in at least two small corners of its vast exploration acreage, the story is quite the reverse.
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Tasmanian Government supports $50 million Boyer project

The Minister for Economic Development, Michael Aird yesterday congratulated Norske Skog and BIS Industrial Logistics on the successful completion of the $50m Softwood Conversion Project and Integrated Woodchip Plant.
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