Australasia's home for timber news and information

First Australian standard for protection of trees on development sites

Arborists and building developers now have an agreed framework for the protection and preservation of trees during all stages of a development project with the first Australian Standard covering tree protection on construction sites now available.
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“Popeye” plan protects Australia’s olive oil

Australia’s rapidly expanding olive industry has strengthened its protection against exotic plant pests and diseases with the launch of the new Olive Industry Biosecurity Plan at the Australian Olive Expo in Canberra last week.
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Forestry Tasmania’s Stewardship Report

Forestry Tasmania’s 2008/09 investment of $330,000 in searching for wedge-tailed eagle nests had paid dividends, with the discovery of 51 new nests on state forest, Energy and Resources Minister David Llewellyn said last week.
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Pulp mill clarification legislation

Energy and Resources Minister, David Llewellyn, today introduced legislation to clarify the legal status of the Pulp Mill Approval Permit.
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Tasmanian forestry company building a sustainable future

One of Tasmania’s leading forest harvesting companies, SFM Forest Products (SFM), has taken a step closer to providing a fully sustainable timber product with a move to gain Australian Forest Certification (AFS) with assistance from Forest Technical Services – the consulting arm of Fo
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Committees maintain volunteer voices

In Victoria’s South West Area, CFA volunteers are working closely with newly established Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees (MFMPCs) to plan and manage fire across prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
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Australian foresters let down by Government

The Institute of Foresters of Australia President, Dr Peter Volker, said that the forestry profession feels let down by the Australian Government not being represented at the World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Will your date show up?

If you have any event coming up in 2010 you wish to have considered for inclusion in the 2010 Australian Timberman Wall Planner, let us know!
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Illegally felled trees pose danger to all

People illegally cutting down trees in State forest reserves are unnecessarily risking lives and adding to the escalating levels of damage occurring in state parks and conservation areas throughout Tasmania.
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Innovation needed to boost woodcraft sector

A review of Tasmania’s woodcraft sector has found that more than 2000 people are employed in the State’s special species timber and woodcraft sector, while a further 8500 participate in woodcraft activity as a hobby or on a limited commercial scale. In addition to its contribution to
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