Australasia's home for timber news and information

Start planning now for bushfire season

Tasmanian Premier David Bartlett has called on those living in bushfire-prone areas to start work now on preparing for the fire season.
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ITC grows market share in forestry MIS

ITC Limited (ITC) MIS sales for the year to 30 June indicated it had trebled its share of the MIS market. ITC’s final MIS sales of $24 million (exclusive of GST) for the year represent approximately 10% of the total market estimated in FY2009.
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Putting things to the test is a positive move

IF YOU want to know something about a product, whether it be new or old, the best thing is to ask someone in the know. That’s what we have done and so has been born Australian Forests & Timber News’ Tried & Tested, the definitive view of a product in the field tested by thos
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Applications being taken for Jacobs Fund grants

APPLICATIONS ARE currently being taken for the Maxwell Ralph Jacobs Fund 2010 grants.
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World’s largest Forestry AAU Transaction– 520,000 Forestry AAUs sold from New Zealand to European Buyer

The world’s largest transaction to date involving a purchase and sale of forestry AAUs from New Zealand has just taken place. This is also the first purchase of forestry AAUs from New Zealand by a European Buyer.
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Pulp & Paper industry suppliers well represented at BULKEX Exhibition

SUPPLIERS TO Australia’s pulp and paper industry will be out in force at Asia-Pacific’s only dedicated bulk and powder handling exhibition. The event, which is expected to attract 2,500 attendees from a variety of industries will be held at Brisbane’s Convention and Exhibition Centre
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New deal ensures forestry growth in NSW

FOREST ENTERPRISES Australia (FEA) and Forests NSW have signed a pact to establish and maintain 4,500 hectares of hardwood plantation in the north and north east areas of the State over three years.
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All the latest news

The current edition of Australian Forests & Timber News brings you the latest in what is happening in the industry. Just a few of the topics covered are: * Forestry is the only carbon-positive sector * It's a first (superb new Tried & Tested segment) * Government support
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Contract systems leave forest contractors out on a limb

UNFAIR CONTRACTUAL conditions such as no minimum quotas are taking their toll on an already depressed forest contracting workforce, according to Ferdie Kroon, Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association (TCFA) chief executive officer.
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Conference looking for the silver lining

THE NEW Zealand Pine Manufacturers Association 2009 wood industry conference will be held in Wellington on 8-9 October.
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