Australasia's home for timber news and information

Where do the Liberals stand on protecting redgums?

The Brumby Government has called on the State Liberals to stop flip-flopping and either admonish or fall into line with their coalition partners the Nationals on the protection of the State’s iconic River Red Gum forests.
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Salvage harvesting gets timber industry back on track

The Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI) has commended the Brumby Government’s commitment to commence salvage harvesting as a priority within bushfire affected areas.
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Size isn’t everything

Knowing where energy is being used is the secret to making carbon management an exercise in profitability rather than just compliance says Coffey Environments, a specialist sustainability engineering service with the benefit of 10 years experience assessing and analysing carbon footpr
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Bushfires make disaster book

A BOOK based on disasters that have shocked Australia would not be complete without a chapter dedicated to the Black Saturday fires that devastated so many.
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Research sheds new light on water catchments

CONTROLLING forest density can help maintain stream flow levels, according to research findings presented at a recent Forestry Tasmania seminar.
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Contactor appointed to bushfire clean-up

The State and Federal Governments have announced Grocon as the contractor to clear debris from bushfire sites.
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New Smoke Management Strategy unveiled

A smoke management forum organised by the Forest and Forest Industry Council has been told a new strategy to manage smoke from regeneration and fuel reduction burns will be in force this year.
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World Forestry Day

World Forestry Day has been celebrated around the world for 30 years to remind communities of the importance of forests and the many benefits which we gain from them.
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Loggers under pressure

Up to one third of Tasmania's small forestry businesses are predicted to fold in the next few months.
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Third Forestry firefighting crew on ground in Victoria

FORESTRY Tasmania has just sent its third crew of firefighters to help fight the Victorian bushfires. The first crew of 19 firefighters and 11 vehicles travelled to Victoria on Monday February 9, following the devastating February 7 bushfires.
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