Australasia's home for timber news and information

NTCA local Government timber conference

The second biennial NTCA Local Government Forest and Timber Industry Conference will be the conference for local government and timber industry professionals. Source: Timberbiz It will be held at the Bayview Eden, Melbourne on 29-30 April 2015. With a focus on socio-economic issues an
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International safety specialists focus on forestry

The Forest Industry Engineering Association’s flagship Forest Industry Safety Summit conference series will be extended to include Australia in March this year. The event sold out in November 2013. Source: Timberbiz It will run at the Distinction Hotel in Rotorua on 3-4 March an
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NZ gains forest certification through NZFCA

New Zealand has become a PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification) member allowing forest growers to gain visibility under one of the world’s leading forest certification systems. Source: Timberbiz “We are delighted to be accepted into membership of PEFC and to represen
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ANZIF conference goes “beyond tenure”

  This year’s Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Foresters conference will explore the need to go ‘beyond tenure’ to better manage all our forests for multiple values.  Source: Timberbiz Forests and trees provide many benefits: water, biodiversity, scenic values, timber and
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Stats work for Australian forest growers

To complement the ABARES national forest and wood products statistics work is progressing on establishing a data aggregation service for Australia’s forest growers. Source: Timberbiz A contact program commenced in late August, 2014 with 16 forest growers to explore the level of intere
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Teamwork expert signed up for safety conference

Forestry teamwork expert Steven Falk from British Columbia, Canada has been confirmed as a keynote speaker for the forest safety conference series run by the Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA). Source: Timberbiz The conference runs at Rotorua’s Distinction Hotel on 3-4 Mar
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Steep learning curve at HarvestTECH 2015

Analysis by Future Forests Research indicates that the proportion of the forest harvest from steep hill country in New Zealand (over 20 degrees slope) is currently 44% of the total wood harvest. Source: Timberbiz This is forecast to rise to 53% by 2016 and to over 60% by 2025. Nationa
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AWA Woman of the Year

Edith Paarhammer of Paarhammer Windows & Doors has been recognized with the title of AWA Woman of the Year for her contributions to the Australian window industry. Source: Timberbiz The AWA has initiated the award to recognise the outstanding contributions made by women to the win
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National proposal to build taller in timber

Proposed changes to the building code could further the construction of timber buildings to heights of 25 metres. Sources: Sourceable, Architecture & Design Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) is developing a proposal for the inclusion of a deemed-to-satisfy requirement in
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Capital growth in trees

Australia’s ability to tap into the global wood fibre “boom” will hinge on policies to kick start tree planting in the wake of failed managed investment schemes (MIS), according to timber industry leaders. Source: The Land Peak industry body the Australian Forest Products
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