Australasia's home for timber news and information

ForestWorks response to South Australian Forest Industry Strategy Directions 2011 – 2015

ForestWorks, the Industry Skills Council for the forest, wood, paper and timber products, wishes to respond to the South Australian Forest Industry Strategy Directions 2011 – 2015 draft for consultation.
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ForestWorks response to South Australian Forest Industry Strategy Directions 2011 – 2015

ForestWorks, the Industry Skills Council for the forest, wood, paper and timber products, wishes to respond to the South Australian Forest Industry Strategy Directions 2011 – 2015 draft for consultation.
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Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association: No breach of Statement of Principles

The rumour that the Tasmanian forest Statement of Principles is being breached through the engagement of new forest contractors appears to be without foundation, TFCA CEO Ed Vincent said today.
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Steady Rates the Appropriate Course, says HIA

The Reserve Bank Board today opted for the only sensible course of action and kept the official cash rate on hold, says the Housing Industry Association (HIA), the voice of Australia’s residential building industry.
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Subdued End to 2010 for House Prices

The ABS index of established house prices grew at a subdued rate in the December quarter 2010 said the Housing Industry Association (HIA), the voice of Australia’s residential building industry.
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NAFI Media Release – Call for sensible forestry accounting at Cancun

The peak body for the Australian forest industry is hopeful that negotiations on accounting for carbon stored in forests and harvested wood products stay on track during the climate talks at Cancun.
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ForestrySA enjoyed a successful 2009-10 financial year

ForestrySA enjoyed a successful 2009-10 financial year, moving on from the challenges created by the Global Financial Crisis in the previous 12 months.
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Victorian Forest Contractors Association Press Release 12/11/ 2010 – Round table, round again

The Victorian Forest Contractors Association (VFCA) the industry association representing Harvest and Haulage Forest contractors, cautiously welcomed talks if they will result in an end to forest and anti plantation protests as well as a secure and stable future for its members.
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VAFI VICTORIAN ASSOCIATION OF FOREST INDUSTRIES – Coalition preferences decision to save more than 24,000 jobs.

The peak representative body for the Victorian timber industry, the Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI), said the Coalition's decision to preference the anti-prosperity Greens last would help protect Victoria's 24,000 forestry jobs.
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NIMBY Greens policy endangers Victorian jobs and tropical rainforests

The peak representative body for the Victorian timber industry, the Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI), has criticised the Greens for targeting Victoria’s sustainable native forest industry for destruction.
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