Australasia's home for timber news and information

NSW Rural Fire Service address to Hoo Hoo Club

Sydney Hoo Hoo Club 215 has organised a special dinner meeting later this month during which timber usage for building in bushfire-prone areas will be the main topic for discussion.
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Foresters meet to talk

The Institute of Foresters of Australia will be holding its 2009 National Conference at Caloundra, Queensland, Australia from 6-10 September 2009. The Institute President Dr Peter Volker said it was timely for foresters to meet, when forestry issues are receiving increasing prominence
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Pike & Co. issue early notice for Brazil conference

This is an early notice of the next International Pulpwood Conference - "Global Wood Fibre Trade - Woodchips and Biomass" - which will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil during the week of March 15, 2010.
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First National Carpenters Day a great success

Hundreds of carpenters from around Australia, nine current serving soldiers in Afghanistan, and celebrity carpenter Tom Williams, celebrated Australia’s first ever National Carpenters Day on Tuesday, April 21.
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Industry throws support behind Queensland Safety Show

Three of Queensland's top industry associations have thrown their support behind the Queensland Safety Show.
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Australasian Forest Genetics Conference

The second Australasian Forest Genetics Conference will be held in Perth Western Australia from 20th – 22nd April 2009 and is in conjunction with the Australasian Forestry Research Working Group 1 (Genetics) (RWG1 18th Meeting).
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Association VBFB of WA Inc General Meeting

The next general meeting of the Association of Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades will be held on Sunday May 3, 2009 at the GS Knight Building 177 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont, Western Australia.
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Double option for LIGNA-lovers

Time is running out to book your seat on Weinig Australia’s Ligna double-header. There is one tour going to the US (and then on to LIGNA) and one straight to Germany with a tour prior to heading to LIGNA.
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ATTA Workshop to be held in Mount Gambier

The Australian Timber Trainers Association (ATTA), ForestWorks and Forest Industry Assessment Plan System (FIAPS) members will hold a combined annual workshop in Mt Gambier on 27-30 July.
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Seminar: Long term water use of mountain ash and the efficiency of heavily forested catchments

Seminar SeriesDepartment of Forest and Ecosystem Science Department of Sustainability and Environment Associate Professor Leon Bren, DFES This seminar presents an updated analysis of the Coranderrk paired catchment project using data from 1954 to 2007. This is located 70 km
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