Australasia's home for timber news and information

New Home Sales Report released

The latest result for the HIA New Home Sales Report, a survey of Australia’s largest volume builders, shows strong growth in March 2015. Source: Timberbiz The results mean sales volumes are at their highest level since early 2010. “The residential construction sector continues to be t
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Shape the future of Australia’s forest industry

  Senator Richard Colbeck, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture,, reminded stakeholders about the opportunity to help shape the future of Australia’s forest products and forest industry.  Source: Timberbiz In March the Forest Industry Advisory Council (FIAC) la
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Bioenergy Forum & Tour in Gippsland

The Victorian Bioenergy Network and Agribusiness Gippsland, with support from Regional Development Australia, Sustainability Victoria, Latrobe City Council and Wellington Shire, is organising a 2-day bioenergy event. Source: Timberbiz The event will focus on bioenergy projects and dev
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Women in Forestry discussion group

Women in Forests and Timber Network (WFTN) WA has breakfast discussion meeting organised for May. Source: Timberbiz Diana MacTiernan, manager community education and training from the Equal Opportunity Commission will act as facilitator. The aim of the discussion is to focus on work/l
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100 jobs to be created in Tasmania

  Tasmanian forest manager Forico said that about 100 direct and indirect jobs would be created when its north-west woodchip mill starts operating in July this year. Source: ABC Rural Forico owns 100,000 hectares of former Gunns’ plantation across the state of Tasmania, and
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Australia and NZ increase softwood log exports to China

Log import volumes to China typically increase in the month of March every year and 2015 was no exception with a 76% jump from the previous month. The softwood log imports reached 2.9 million m3. Source: MarketWatch This is the highest monthly volume since early in 2014, and incidenta
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More trouble in north west Tasmania

A resident action group in Tasmania’s north west is vowing to fight Forestry Tasmania’s final decision to clearfell a neighbouring 60- year-old regrowth coupe. Source: ABC Rural The Friends of Lapoinya Action Group and a forest ecologist say logging will harm endangered ma
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FSC certification on track for Forestry Tas

The auditor of Forestry Tasmania’s (FT) environmental certification application has rejected the state’s Greens Leader’s comments about a delay in the process. Source: ABC New Last month The Greens’ Kim Booth said the state owned forestry company’s failur
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Tas government to sell off hardwood

The Tasmanian Government will investigate selling off Tasmania’s publicly-owned hardwood plantations as part of a plan to downsize Forestry Tasmania. Source: ABC News Resources Minister Paul Harriss delivered a ministerial statement to Parliament, vowing to end subsidies to the
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Farmers face burning decisions in WA

A transformation is underway in southern Western Australia as farmers work to return abandoned blue gum investment blocks back to productive farm land. Source: ABC Rural With seemingly big environmental benefits and tax incentives, blue gums seemed like a good idea back in the late 19
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