Australasia's home for timber news and information

Scion trials drones for forestry

Forestry crown research institute Scion will trial the use of drones for use in forestry management next month and hopes to be an early adopter of imminent rule changes allowing them to be flown beyond line of sight. Source: Netguide Scion has teamed up with Aeronavics to field test u
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Mamaku sawmill shuts in NZ

Twenty-five Mamaku Sawmilling Company workers have lost their jobs and were officially told after a meeting with the owner’s solicitors and union representatives yesterday.  Source: Rotorua Daily Post Employees were told last week a closure was on the cards for the mill, which h
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Repossed HarvestPro equipment

A major financier has repossessed equipment from the owner of forestry business HarvestPro New Zealand. An official from GE Finance and Insurance in Auckland said equipment located in Auckland, Gisborne and Northland was repossessed from the company KFI Asset Management. Source: New Z
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Solomon Islands sawn timber to Aust & NZ

A group of Solomon Islands timber exporters and government officials visited Australia and New Zealand to promote exports of sawn timber. Sources: Scoop News, Timberbiz The export mission started in Brisbane on 22 – 25 March and moved to Auckland from 25-30 March 2015. The group met w
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Forest Owners discourage deforestation

The Forest Owners Association (FOA) is calling on the Government to do more to discourage deforestation in New Zealand. Sources: Timberbiz. Scoop News, Radio New Zealand On United Nations International Day of Forests held on 21 March, the association said the Government was failing to
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NZ forests gain international visibility

  An increasing number of companies in New Zealand are taking on PEFC Chain of Custody certification. Source: Timberbiz With the acceptance of the NZ Forest Certification Association (NZFCA) as New Zealand’s PEFC member, New Zealand forest growers gain visibility in the world’s l
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Set price for NZ logs

New Zealand First Leader the Right Hon Winston Peters is calling for a log price to be set to end the regional devastation that has occurred with so many sawmill closures. “In the past decade nationwide more than 20 big sawmills, and many smaller ones, have closed with the loss of mor
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FICA to help fragile foresters

Just as the local failure of HarvestPro came to light the same thing appears to be happening in related markets on Canada’s west coast and around New Zealand. Sources: Timberbiz, Scoop NZ, Radio New Zealand Operating losses by contractors of over half a million dollars in six months h
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HarvestPro employees lose out

At least 60 Gisborne-East Coast New Zealand forestry workers have lost their jobs as harvesting contracting company HarvestPro is caught up in the financial difficulty of its parent company Kiwi Forestry International. Sources: Gisborne Herald, Last Thursday five Gisborne forestry cre
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ANZIF conference contents

The 8th ANZIF Conference “Beyond Tenure: Managing forests across the landscape will cover all aspects of modern Australasian forest management. Source: Timberbiz Professor Ross Garnaut will set the scene in a keynote address on population and development in a changing world. Australia
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