Australasia's home for timber news and information

EIA petitions US government on illegal logging

The non-profit Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has formally petitioned the US Government to take action under the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement to investigate and verify the legal origin of shipments from at least two Peruvian companies and to audit dozens more. Source: Timber
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Sanctions dropped against Burma

European Union foreign ministers in Luxembourg agreed to suspend sanctions against Myanmar/Burma for one year, based on wide-ranging democratic reforms over the past year and democratic elections April 1. They are encouraging the government to begin a dialogue with the EU on ways to e
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Ta Ann bonus issue of shares

Ta Ann is proposing a bonus issue of up to 61.796 million new ordinary shares of Ta Ann on a 1-for-5 basis on an entitlement date yet to be determined. Source: The Malaysian Insider
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Asia hits back against environmental groups

Representatives from Asia's paper and timber industries are gathering in Bangkok amid harsh criticism from western environmental organisations. These groups claim, despite evidence to the contrary, that Asian timber and paper companies are harming the environment. Source: Bangkok Post
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Bioenergy awards candidates named

Six final candidates have been chosen for the World Bioenergy Award 2012, the winner will be announced on May 29 at the opening of World Bioenergy 2012 in Sweden. This will be just the second time that this award is to be presented. Source: World Bioenergy 2012.
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FSC welcomes European Union proposal

The European Union (EU) has presented a number of proposals that according to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) can combine the need to protect forest biodiversity with social needs and a green economy. Source: Sustainable-timber-action
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Africa deforestation must be addressed

Africa will continue to feel the effects of severe climate change but efforts continue to save the continent’s forests. Source: Newstime Africa.
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Bioenergy stories at International Biomass Conference

Reaching the point of ground breaking is no easy task for a bioenergy project developer. Panelists in the second-day general session discussion at the International Biomass Conference & Expo held April 16-19 in Denver, Colo., shared their ground breaking stories with attendees, d
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IBIS update on Australian logging industry

Australia’s logging industry has been affected by the construction cycle with lower construction activity resulting in a decline in revenue which is the reason research company IBISWorld updated its report on Australia’s logging industry. Source: San Francisco Chronicle
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IBIS update on Australian logging industry

Australia’s logging industry has been affected by the construction cycle with lower construction activity resulting in a decline in revenue which is the reason research company IBISWorld updated its report on Australia’s logging industry. Source: San Francisco Chronicle
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