Australasia's home for timber news and information

New video reveals global resistance to forest-ca

Global Forest Coalition and Global Justice Ecology Project have produced a new video entitled A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests. The 28 minute video, documents opposition around the globe to controversial programs that claim to Reduce Emissions from Defores
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Fortec companies report market plateau after strong rise

At the autumn meeting of the Swedish forestry export cooperation association Fortec, member companies agreed that the market for forest equipment suppliers is now somewhat tentative and has levelled off after rising strongly. The development and sales of environmentally related techno
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Recommended closure of Norske Skog Follum

Norske Skog's corporate management recommends to the board of directors to maintain full operations at the mills in Skogn and Halden for the time being, but to close down production at Norske Skog Follum. Management's plan means that production at Follum will cease no later than 31 Ma
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Many of you will have been involved in and have seen the Woodco Industry Strategy Study which recommended that Woodco develop an Industry Strategic Action Plan. A project team has developed a draft of this plan. This will be presented at regional workshops. We want your feedback and
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Global Timber and Wood Products Market Update – a news brief from Wood Resources International LLC

New Zealand’s log exports to China account for one-third of the country’s timber harvest in 2011, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly Log exportation from New Zealand continues to rise at a record pace, with almost one third of the country’s timber harvest being processed at sawmills
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Global Timber and Wood Products Market Update – a news brief from Wood Resources International LLC

The Global Sawlog Price Index reached a 16-­year high in the 2Q/11; the biggest price increases occurred in Europe, Canada, Russia and New Zealand,reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. Increased consumption of softwood lumber throughout the world has moved sawlog prices to new highs in
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Regional cooperation sought in forestry disease control

A proposal by Taiwan that the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum should establish a regional network on forestry disease control has been written into a declaration published at a just-concluded APEC meeting, officials of the Council of Agriculture (COA) said.
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Global effort to put forests first

A global effort to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020 has been launched in Bonn, Germany.
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Reinventing Wood is theme for joint conference

THE New Zealand Pine Manufacturers Association and Wood Processors Association joint annual Conference will be held 21-22 July at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) in Nelson.
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Global Timber and Wood Products Market Update – a news brief from Wood Resources International LLC

Japanese importation of logs, lumber and plywood in 2011 is likely to be the highest it has been since 2008 because of post-earthquake and tsunami re-building, reports the WRQ. Japan is in urgent need of pre-fabricated houses and manufactured wood products in the aftermath of the eart
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