Australasia's home for timber news and information

Fire at the Norske Skog Saugbrugs mill in Norway halts production

ON THE morning of 2 February, fire caused damage to part of the thermo-mechanical pulp plant which supplies the paper machines with fibre at Norske Skog Saugbrugs mill. Although the fire was quickly brought under control, it caused significant damage to the electrical cabling. No empl
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UK Forestry Commission forecasts high demand for wood

The UK Forestry Commission is predicting that the increased use of wood-fuelled boilers could boost the industry.
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Vatican receives PEFC certified Christmas tree

FOR THE second year in a row, the Christmas tree that will light St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City comes from a PEFC-certified, sustainably managed forest. This year’s tree, a 34 metre spruce, originates from forests in Alto-Adige in South Tyrol, an autonomous region in Northern Ita
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Forest Products Market Update – a news brief from Wood Resources International LLC

European sawmills’ profitability is being squeezed by high log costs and declining lumber prices, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.
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China’s hunger for wood raw-material pushes timber prices up

CONTINUED increases in demand for wood raw-material from sawmills, plywood plants and pulp mills in China has pushed domestic log prices upward and many Chinese companies are increasingly exploring the opportunities of importing more logs and wood chips to supplement the domestic fibe
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China’s hunger for wood raw-material pushes timber prices up

CONTINUED increases in demand for wood raw-material from sawmills, plywood plants and pulp mills in China has pushed domestic log prices upward and many Chinese companies are increasingly exploring the opportunities of importing more logs and wood chips to supplement the domestic fibe
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Torrefaction Next Step in Bio Energy

The BC Bioenergy Network and the Wood Pellet Association of Canada are looking into the feasibility of developing a pilot plant to commercially produce "torrefied pellets" from wood waste.
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Malaysian forestry-related enterprises in the spotlight

AN INTERNATIONAL Symposium On Forestry & Forest Products will be held in Malaysia from 5-7 October.
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Woody biomass prices in the US increased

PRICES FOR woody biomass, whether it was sawmill byproducts, forest residues or urban wood waste, were higher in the 3Q/10 than the previous quarter in most regions throughout the US. The Northwest saw the biggest increase; forest biomass prices (delivered) were up 19% from the 2Q/10,
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Independent audit by ITS Global shows Greenpeace faked data to build phony case against APP

GREENPEACE WAS caught using false and misleading information to attack the credibility of a company to advance its agenda, according to an independent peer reviewed audit released today by ITS Global. The international audit group studied the July 2010 document “How Sinar Mas is Pul
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