Australasia's home for timber news and information

Scion Chief Executive announces resignation

The Chief Executive of Crown Research Institute Scion, Dr Tom Richardson, has announced he will be resigning after 5 years in the role. Dr Richardson leaves Scion in August to take up the Chief Executive Officer role at Crown Research Institute, AgResearch Limited.
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Improved facilities provide major boost to training

The forestry and wood processing industries will soon benefit from improved facilities at the Waiariki Institute of Technology in Rotorua.
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New Zealand timber prices facing pressure

Unprecedented demand for timber, largely from China, is pushing the price higher for local processors, according to the New Zealand Pine Manufacturers Association.
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Forest Products Market Update

Domestic softwood sawlog prices have moved up in Russia in 2009 both in Ruble and in US dollar terms. In the 4Q, the average pine log prices were over 30% higher than in the 1Q/09 (in Ruble terms they were up 15% during the year), as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly.
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Pine beetle epidemic to affect lumber supply continent-wide

A new report on the mountain pine beetle epidemic describes it as one of North America's largest natural environmental disasters that will put an estimated 16 major sawmills out of business in B.C. and lead to long-term lumber shortages in the United States.
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AHEC to drive wood product certification and green building debate at ‘Dubai WoodShow 2010’

The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), the leading international trade association for the American hardwood industry, is set to discuss key updates on wood product certification and the green building movement at the upcoming ‘Dubai WoodShow 2010’, the Middle East's only wood-f
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Squeaky clean shoes for scientists

Biosecurity officers at Auckland International Airport won’t need to clean any dirty shoes belonging to a select group of international scientists arriving next week for the 5th International Phytophthora working party meeting.
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Forest Products Market Update

Global sawlog prices jumped almost 8% in the 3Q/09 because of improved lumber markets in the US and Europe, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.
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Forest Products Market Update

Higher hardwood pulpwood costs in Brazil, Australia, Russia and Sweden pushed the 3Q/09 Global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) to the highest level in 12 months, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. The HFPI was over six percent higher than theGlobal Softwood Fiber Price Index (SFPI
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Will your date show up?

If you have any event coming up in 2010 you wish to have considered for inclusion in the 2010 Australian Timberman Wall Planner, let us know!
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