Australasia's home for timber news and information

When slash becomes something special

There’s a special pre-show conference at Elmia Wood 2009 and basically it’s for international bioenergy pioneers.
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Efficient technology on show at WoodMac in China

WoodMac China 2009, the largest and longest running woodworking technology trade event in China, has recorded a 28% growth in area according to the organizers. Scheduled for 17-20 February 2009, WoodMac China and associated events FurniTek China (for hardware) and WoodBuild China (for
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Cursory coverage for forestry during crucial talks

Here is Fitzpatrick Woods Consulting’s assessment of the hot topics tracked over the course of the United Nations climate change negotiations:-
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UK invests £12 million in biomass heating

The UK Government has announced £12 million in funding for industry, businesses and community groups investing in biomass-fuelled heating and combined heat and power systems.
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UK invests £12 million in biomass heating

The UK Government has announced £12 million in funding for industry, businesses and community groups investing in biomass-fuelled heating and combined heat and power systems.
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Online way to report unsafe driving of forestry and logging trucks

A new online tool will improve road safety by making it easier to identify and report unsafe driving of forestry vehicles and logging trucks.
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Region’s farm forestry on show

Registrations are rolling in for the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association national conference to be held in Gisborne in April next year, writes Debbie Gregory in the Gisborne Herald.
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Ghana’s ‘miracle’: Logging underwater forests for exotic timber

Ghana, which is running short of forests to chop down, is about to turn to the dead trees underneath its Lake Volta as a new source of exotic timber, one of its top export earners.
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Contracts cancelled over substandard timber

Building materials supplier Placemakers has cut off some of its contractors after finding substandard timber had been used for building homes.
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More job losses expected in battered manufacturing sector

Canada’s battered manufacturing sector shed 38,000 jobs last month and has lost nearly 400,000 factory jobs since an employment peak in 2002 - a trend expected to intensify over the next year as the North American economic slump deepens and demand for everything from auto parts to new
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