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CEO of PF Olsen new president of FOA


Peter Clark

Peter Clark, the chief executive officer of PF Olsen Ltd, has been elected president of the Forest Owners Association (FOA). Source: Timberbiz, Scoop NZ, Lesprom

He replaces retiring president Paul Nicholls. George Asher, chief executive officer of the Lake Taupo Forest Trust, has been elected vice-president.

The association’s members own the majority of New Zealand’s plantation forests. It works closely with the Farm Forestry Association and is administrator for the Forest Levy Trust Board, which represents the interests of all forest owners.

Mr Clark has 40 years’ experience in forest operations and consulting in New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, China and the Pacific.

He is a longstanding member of the FOA board and is on the board of the Wood Council of NZ.

He says he is keen to see the multiple economic and environmental benefits of forestry recognised by all New Zealanders.

Clark holds or has recently held a number of positions on forest industry and government advisory boards involving climate change, bioenergy, and forestry sector research.

He is also a board member of the NZ International Business Forum and the NZ China Council.

He served on the steering group of the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum from its formation in 2010 until October 2015 and is now a board member of the Forest Industry Safety Council.

He holds an honours degree in forestry science from the University of Canterbury and is a registered forestry consultant and a fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry.