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Consultation on national illegal logging reforms

The Australian Forest Products Association has welcomed the Federal Government’s consultation process on new draft rules that complement the national illegal logging reforms, to allow for industry feedback. Source: Timberbiz

The AFPA supports the strengthening of illegal logging laws to ensure that importing businesses source timber harvested from legal sources using sustainable practices. Equally important is the need for the regime to be efficient, practical and effective and the consultation process will be important to allow industry the opportunity to provide feedback.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Julie Collins has announced the next steps for the Government’s reforms around the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment (Strengthening Measures to Prevent Illegal Timber Trade) Bill 2024 which includes an opportunity for stakeholders to comment on draft rules before they’re finalised.

The updated illegal logging laws which are currently before the Senate, will:

  • Strengthen audit, compliance and enforcement of offence penalties,
  • Enhance monitoring of compliance and streamline investigation powers,
  • Require notice of products being brought into Australia.

“Illegal logging has negative effects on supply chains, business decisions, industry profitability, investment, and jobs in the Australian economy,” Ms Collins said.

“These rules will help to protect the sustainability of this industry, and the workforce involved, and secure stronger economic growth.

“It’s important that we get feedback from regulated entities and other stakeholders on the draft rules,” she said.

This would ensure the government was striking the right balance of reducing the regulatory burden and upholding the objectives of the legislation to prevent illegally logged timber entering our market.

“Australia’s forest industries unequivocally support a strong and robust regime to combat illegal logging, and we thank the Government for the consultation that will allow industry to provide feedback to policy makers on the new rules,” Chief Executive Officer of AFPA Diana Hallam said.

“These reforms are particularly timely. As a result of native forestry industry closures in Victoria and Western Australia, Australia has seen a considerable increase in the volume of imported hardwoods and it’s critical the proper checks, enforcement and penalties are in place if there’s any doubt as to the source.

“The integrity of our timber and fibre products is paramount. When grown, harvested and processed properly, as we do in Australia, these products represent the height of sustainability, but when corners are cut, it can be environmentally damaging and undermine Australian jobs,” she said.

Comment on the draft rules can be made via the link below until 13 September 2024: