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Dave Gover appointed EWPAA CEO


Dave Gover

Dave Gover has been appointed CEO of the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA). Sources: Timberbiz, VAFI

Mr Gover has been a stalwart at Australian Sustainable Hardwood (ASH) for many years and will be sorely missed.

The team at VAFI wishes him all the best in his new role and thanks him for his contribution to the board of Timber Training Creswick.

“I’ve enjoyed being part of the Victorian hardwood industry over the past seven years,” said Mr Gover.

“In that time I’ve had the opportunity to be part of developing products which add value to the local forest resource.

“I’ve also come to appreciate the effort that goes into making sure the industry is sustainable, and the importance of resource security.

“Sustainability and security are fundamental to future investment and continued competitiveness against less carefully managed, unsustainable, and sometimes non-compliant alternatives.

“The strongest memories I will take away from the past seven years are of the people I have come to know in the Heyfield area.

“While forestry and timber are significant economic drivers of regional towns like Heyfield, it is the people working in this industry that give these towns life!”

Mr Gover said that the same principles of sustainability and competitive Australian manufacturing found in the Victorian hardwood industry are evident across EWPAA’s programs, and he is looking forward his involvement with Australasia’s wood processing industry.