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Don Hammond new Chair of NZ’s Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association

Don Hammond

The Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association of NZ (WPMA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Don Hammond to the role of independent Chair effective 9 September 2024. Source: Timberbiz

Mr Hammond is the current Independent Chair of Phytos, a Fonterra Cooperative Council member, was a shareholder and Chair of a sawmilling and value add timber business, the inaugural Government appointed chair for the Game Animal Council, an independent director of the Bioprotection Centre of Research Excellence at Lincoln and has been chair on the board of various private companies with many of these in the forestry space.

Mr Hammond has interests across forestry, aviation, property, horticulture and dairy farming.

“I believe my knowledge of and experience within the forest side of the sector has the potential to bring a different paradigm to WPMA and assist in creating synergies which will allow greater benefit for all parties,” Mr Hammond said.

Mark Ross, WPMA’s Chief Executive said that on behalf of the board we are delighted to have Mr Hammond as the new Chair.

“He is a highly reputable governance professional with experience in various industries, including wood products and forestry. With the sector having a significant role to play in New Zealand’s future direction Don’s leadership, strategic thinking and clarity of purpose will assist in steering wood processing and manufacturing into our next stage of economic growth and sustainability,” Mr Ross said.

The WPMA Board would like to acknowledge and thank the outgoing Chair, John Eastwood, for his outstanding contribution to WPMA.

Mr Hammond is a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) who has extensive experience across the forestry sector and his commitment to sustainable management make him an ideal leader for this critical role.

He brings a wealth of knowledge and governance experience to his new position, having served in various leadership roles across forestry and farming. His deep understanding of the forestry sector, combined with his strategic vision, will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the synergies between wood processing, manufacturing, and forest management.

This appointment is a significant recognition of the expertise and influence professional foresters like Mr Hammond bring to the broader industry.

“Don Hammond’s appointment as Chair of WPMA is a tremendous achievement and a testament to his dedication to the forestry sector,” said James Treadwell, president of the NZIF.

“His leadership will be invaluable in guiding the wood processing and manufacturing industry towards greater economic growth and sustainability. This appointment also underscores the crucial role professional foresters and NZIF members play in every part of the sector, from sustainable forest management to innovative wood product development.”

As the sector continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change, economic shifts, and technological advancements, the involvement of skilled professionals like Mr Hammond is more important than ever.

The NZIF believes the expertise and ethical standards upheld by its members are key to ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of New Zealand’s forestry and wood processing industries.

The NZIF is proud to support its members in taking on leadership roles which shape the future of the forestry sector, and it is confident Mr Hammond’s tenure as Chair of WPMA will lead to significant advancements for the industry and contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future for New Zealand.