Forestry has become a strong interest to many people in New Zealand, even if only because this Government is aiming to plant so many trees to cover our emissions. Source: New Zealand Herald
For farmers this could be the chance to diversify and for townsfolk the chance to invest.
Trees used to cover up to six billion hectares of land around the world. In New Zealand there was not much land free of trees pre-human times.
We have modified our environment to our detriment, and now we are being asked to modify it, to a small extent, back the way it was.
Each tree is part of a system which helps to keep the earth cool and recycles rain downwind. They are solar powered, self-building, self-repairing, high rise air coolers and rain makers. The trunks also absorb the energy of wind helping to slow it down.
Trees are vitally important for our ecosystems allowing other plants to survive by providing suitable conditions, and they do all this and more for free.
Dave and Sue Forsythe farm at Te Kawa, with a large milking herd of autumn calvers. The couple have won the North Island Farm Forester of the Year Trophy for their work in integrating forestry with dairy and for their efforts in promoting forestry.
They have built resilience into their farm system with trees of many varieties giving alternative sources of income.
This is a carbon neutral farm, that is also claiming carbon credits. A field-day will be held on their property to view their interesting plantings of pine, eucalypt, cypresses, redwoods and oaks, learn about carbon credits, and enjoy lunch at the top of Kawa mountain with its’ magnificent views.