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Great ideas come after Burgers and Beers in Tasmania

The Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network (TFFPN) will host its first ‘Burgers, Beers + Bright Ideas’ event next month at Hobart’s Shambles Brewery, with plans to hold similar gatherings across the state next year. Source: Timberbiz

Network Convenor, Therese Taylor said the Tasmanian Timber Awards held in September exemplified the innovative work being done across the sector by organisations committed to improvement and excellence.

“The high calibre of submissions in our Innovation and Technology Excellence Award for example, was testament to the ideas and initiatives coming out of the industry and Burgers, Beers + Bright Ideas is a way of sharing and showcasing this work,” Ms Taylor said.

“Importantly, this event will be a great, social opportunity to get together before the craziness of the silly season begins.”

The free event, which kicks off at 5:30pm on 25 November, will feature a handful of guest presenters who will briefly share the innovative ideas being employed in their organisations.

The Network welcomes both members and non-members along to the event, with food and beverages available for purchase over the bar.

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