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Great Southern invests in future foresters

Leading plantation manager Great Southern Limited has developed a Student Support Program to assist university students studying forestry.

The program is aimed at boosting student enrolments in forestry science, natural resource management and other related fields and is open to all tertiary institutions. To date, the University of Queensland, University of Melbourne and Murdoch University in Western Australia have participated in the program.

Great Southern’s Principal Research Forester Justine Edwards said it had been designed to give students access to resources, industry support and networking opportunities for future employment.

“For Great Southern, this program is a long term investment that we believe will encourage more students into a forestry career,” Ms Edwards said.

“We have a range of projects underway that students may be able to tap in to and the focussed attention that an Honours, Masters or PhD student can bring to a project is something that will assist Great Southern’s work in forestry research.”

Forest Pathologist, Dr Treena Burgess from Murdoch University said the program provided students a unique opportunity to liaise with industry.

“The rewards for universities, students and industry extend beyond the actual projects, Dr Burgess said. “Linking industry and education leaders with research students will provide a great outcome for all parties.”

Great Southern has plantations in all states and territories growing eucalypts, acacias, African mahogany and teak trees.