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Information for NZ growers of XyloGene planting stock

NZDFI has recently produced a new 4-page brochure predominantly for growers, it summarises essential information around choosing a forestry regime, site/species selection, and NZDFI’s improved XyloGene planting stock. Source: Timberbiz

New Zealand Dryland Forests Innovation’s tree breeding program has genetically improved two durable eucalypt species:

  1. Eucalyptus globoidea (White stringybark) – a species which grows productively across a range of sites and produces class 2 durable timber (expected in-ground service life of 15-25 years) which is strong, versatile, easy to machine with attractive grain.
  2. Eucalyptus bosistoana (Coast grey box) – a species which grows best on fertile, sheltered sites and produces class 1 durable timber (expected in-ground service life of 25-plus years) which is very hard and strong.

These species provide landowners with the opportunity to start planting the 60,000 hectares of forest required over the next 30 years to establish a sustainable multi-regional hardwood industry in New Zealand.

New Zealand Dryland Forests Innovation’s (NZDFI) breeding programis producing the first generation of XyloGene-branded improved seed and seedlings of both species.

XyloGene seed lots offer growers a range of genetic improvement in adaptability, growth, form, heartwood volume and durability.

To achieve genetic gains, elite trees have been selected for propagation. The trees have been tested in New Zealand environments with varying biotic and abiotic factors.

NZDFI’s seedling and clonal seed orchards are designed to ensure outcrossing between diverse genotypes to produce nursery stock adapted to New Zealand conditions.

XyloGene seed and seedlings are available to purchase and these offer superior performance to planting provenance collections imported from Australia or collected in New Zealand.

Further information about the seed and seedlings available can be found on the XyloGene website.

The brochure can be downloaded here.