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National Forestry Hub Managers meet in Darwin

All National Forestry Hub Managers recently met in Darwin to discuss regionally specific and broader industry issues being considered by each of the Hubs, along with selected field trips to local forestry activities. Source: Timberbiz

A notable highlight of the meeting was a presentation by the largest indigenous-owned agricultural venture in Northern Australia, Tiwi Plantations Corporation.

The Hubs visited local African Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) plantations being managed by African Mahogany Australia in the Douglas Daly region of the Northern Territory.

The plantation managers demonstrated how they manage a large operation with just two full-time staff on site and amidst the challenges of the classic wet/dry climate seasonality that comes with the country.

Sawlog trials from the stand have so far shown some promising timber qualities with AMA now looking to explore and secure markets for their resource.

More information on this plantation can be found at

The group also visited some of the Sandalwood being grown in the region, where insights into the complexities of managing such a plantation there were shared by the operational managers.