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Off the shelf prepainted timber cladding makes building easier

Demand is increasing for processed wood products, such as­ painted exterior cladding,  which has led to Södra releasing a new product, pre-painted exterior­ cladding a system that allows you to skip the painting­ step. The panels save work and time, and can be fitted all­ year-round. Source: Timberbiz

The product has been developed in partnership­ with coatings supplier Sherwin Williams, who also­ provide a warranty for the painting.

“We have developed the ECO365 system, which allows­ facade panels to be mounted instead of being fitted using­ nails or screws. This means that the panels can be fully­ painted prior to mounting.

“Normally, a final coat would to­ be applied to cover nails or screws. The panels achieve a­ high quality standard since they are painted indoors under­ optimal conditions and, moreover, the paint finish has a­ warranty,” Lars Broström from Södra Wood’s project­ department said.

Södra’s range already includes primed and undercoated­ cladding as well as cladding finished with a primer or­ colour undercoat to which the final coat is applied when­ the panels have been installed.

“We are seeing a changing market where builders and end consumers­ want more processed products that simplify­ work and save time. The increasing demand reflects­ greater awareness of long-term sustainability and the fact­ that wood is also an aesthetically pleasing material.

“To­ meet demand, we have geared up our efforts with painted­ exterior cladding and are expanding our range this­ autumn to include pre-painted panels with five different­ finishes,” said Mr Broström said.

“Södra wants to make it easy for customers and endconsumers­ and this is one step in this process.

“We are continuing development to keep pace with­ customers’ needs in terms of simple, sustainable and cost efficient­ products.”

The pre-painted exterior cladding will only be available on­ the Swedish market.