Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Green Army gets its marching orders

In the forested hills and boulder-strewn beaches of remote northeast Tasmania, there is anger and disbelief that Tony Abbott’s Green Army is earmarked for the axe. Source: The Australian The program, tipped to be a victim of cuts in the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook today, has
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O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree much pleasure thou can’st give me

A Christmas tree adorned with ornaments and lights is a centrepiece of the festive season. But have you ever wondered where the tradition comes from? Source: ABC News Evergreen trees and plants have been used to celebrate winter festivals for thousands of years, long before the advent
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Interpol says corruption in forestry worth $29b

Interpol says corruption in global forestry sector worth $US29 billion every year. The international police organization Interpol released a report that highlights the scale of corruption in the global forestry sector as well as the importance of coordinating law enforcement efforts a
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China to build giant industrial park in PNG

China has agreed to spend nearly $US4 billion to build a giant industrial park in Papua New Guinea. Source: Radio New Zealand PNG’s Treasurer Patrick Pruaitch said investors from Shenzhen had signed a memorandum of understanding to build a series of processing and manufacturing
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Putting the focus on forest landscape restoration

Restoring deforested and degraded forest landscapes has become an urgent policy priority. Source: Timberbiz The disappearance and degradation of forests around the world is impacting biodiversity, livelihoods, economic growth and climate change resilience. As world leaders and other s
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NZ wins the Christmas tree hunt

When it comes to Christmas tree species, New Zealand wins according to National Geographic. Source: National Geographic There’s really no such thing as a ‘Christmas tree’—around the world people have grown to prefer different conifers for their Christmas centre piece needs, depending
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Gottstein Trust Forest Science Course 2017

In February 2017, the Gottstein Trust will be running its third Forest Science Course, in partnership with the IFA and the University of Melbourne. Sources: Timberbiz, VAFI This week long forest science course provides an understanding of Australian forest management, the economics of
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New VicForests Chair and Deputy Chair

Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development, Jaala Pulford MP, announced the appointment of Michael Humphris as the new Chair and Therese Ryan as Deputy Chair of VicForests. Sources: Timberbiz, VAFI With more than 35 years’ experience in finance, auditing and consulting, VicFore
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