Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Cold comfort for Tasmanians

Six Tasmanian government businesses are operating with a letter of comfort from the Treasurer including Forestry Tasmania. Source: Herald Sun During a government business enterprise hearing scrutinising the Tasmanian Public Finance Corporation, Labor MLC Craig Farrell asked Treasurer
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Express yourself on carbon credits

The Australian Government has encouraged interested stakeholders to provide their views on a new draft plantation forestry method and proposed amendments to the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015. Source: Timberbiz Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resourc
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Vic review of laws for owner-drivers and forestry contractors

A review of laws surrounding the regulation of owner drivers and forestry contractors has been announced by the Victorian Government. Sources: AFCA, Timberbiz This review will identify any improvements that could be made to the owner drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005 (ODFC Act
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One Forty One free trees

Twinkling with lights and laden with tinsel, a real pine Christmas tree proudly standing in the living room is a sight to behold. Source: ABC News Living among thousands of hectares of pine plantations, chances are at least a few residents in South Australia’s south-east have al
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RISI Euro conference focus on Brexit

The 19th RISI Annual European Conference will highlight the Brexit Effect and what lies ahead for the European pulp and paper industry as well as feature a key packaging seminar. Source: Timberbiz The conference will take place from March 6-8, 2017 at the Marriott Hotel in Amsterdam,
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Seed bombing takes on a whole new dimension

If we’re lucky, seed bombing could jump to a whole new level of awesomeness. A fleet of unused and decommissioned C-130 Hercules cargo planes, originally created to drop land mines, could be recommissioned as foresters. Sources: Treehugger and Inhabitat Lockheed Martin and Aerial Fore
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Tranquil rest stop in Finland features 24 glulam columns

Studio Puisto has completed a rest stop on highway E75 (the major European road that starts in the Norwegian town of Vardø and runs south for 5,639 kilometres until it reaches Greece) in central Finland. Source: Designboom, images by Marc Goodwin The rest stop comprises a gas station,
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13% increase in Brazilian exports of wood products

In September 2016, the Brazilian exports of wood products (except pulp and paper) increased 13% in value compared to September 2015, from $209.5 million to $237 million, as reported by ITTO (the International Tropical Timber Organization). Source: Timberbiz The value of pine sawnwood
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