Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

ABARES – growth driven by woodchips and housing

Increasing demand for timber to build new homes has driven growth in Australia’s forest and wood products sector.  Sources: ABC Rural, Lloyds List Australia The value of wood product exports from Australia increased by almost 10% to $2.8bn in 2014-15, according to a recent repor
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Conservation group claims battle for more information

A Northland New Zealand conservation group is claiming a win in its battle to force the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to release more information about the trade in kauri timber. Source: Radio New Zealand The Northland Environmental Protection Society has accused MPI of allowi
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Countdown on for the Premier’s Sustainability Awards

Sustainability Victoria CEO Stan Krpan is encouraging businesses of all sizes, community groups, the building sector, educational institutions, health services, individuals and government at all levels to enter the 2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards and share their stories. So
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Aussie Brayden Meyer crowned Champion of Champions axe & saw

The 2016 winner of the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Champions Trophy is 20 year old Australian Brayden Meyer. Source: Timberbiz Meyer competed for the first time in what is the toughest competition in the extreme sport of competitive logging. He fought hard throughout the day of gruelling compe
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VicForests’ Community Support Program 2016

Applications are open for VicForests’ Community Support Program 2016. Source: Timberbiz The Community Support Program assists local groups with initiatives designed to benefit their community. Grants of up to $2000 are available to not-for-profit organisations for projects or events t
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Extension to ‘soft-start’ illegal logging compliance period

The Illegal Logging Compliance Advice Notice 1/2016 has been published and is available on the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website. Source: Timberbiz The notice advises that the illegal logging ‘soft-start’ compliance period has been extended beyond its o
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Forestry Sector Guide to Workplace Safety 2016/17

There are a number of hazards associated with forestry operations, but steps and measures can be taken to eliminate or reduce risks to forestry workers. Source: Timberbiz Pro-Visual Publishing, in cooperation with Australian Forestry Growers, and the Australian Forest Contractors Asso
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NZ Government needs to walk the talk with climate change

The Government needs to walk the talk with regard to climate change mitigation according to Brian Cox, New Zealand Bioenergy Association Executive Officer. Source: Timberbiz “Central and local government agencies seem to have not noticed that the Government has signed up to the Paris
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