Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Tasmania needs specialty timbers

New analysis strengthens the argument that selective logging of speciality timber in Tasmania’s World Heritage Area is necessary to meet the demand from craft industries, including boat builders, the State Government said. Source: ABC News Forestry Tasmania has advised the Gover
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Tassie timber boosting confidence

A boost in confidence among northern Tasmanian businesses has been attributed to the plantation forestry and tourism industries. Sources: ABC News, The Clarence Valley Daily Examiner The Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) released its quarterly Survey of Business Expect
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NZ forests change in a warm world

“Warm loving” trees like rimu could expand their range as the climate warms, forcing cooler-preferring plants out. New Zealand’s unique beech forest could be squeezed up and out by other natives like rimu as the world heats up, new studies suggest. Source:
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Australian Timber Design Award winners

The 2015 Australian Timber Design Awards were announced September 18 at an awards night in Melbourne. Source: Architecture & Design A total of 23 prizes were handed out to architects and designers who used timber as a major component of a project or application, including everythi
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China FTA too harsh on Australian pulp and paper

The political rhetoric on the China Free Trade Agreement is glossing over the threat to Australian manufacturing, including 15,000 jobs in Australia’s pulp, paper and fibre packaging industry. Source: The New Daily The FTA will see tariffs imposed on some Chinese manufactured products
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No ministry for forestry under Turnbull

The Australian forestry industry is expressing disappointment that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has not re-instated a full Minister for Forestry. Source: ABC Rural The industry took the recent Prime Ministerial change as an opportunity to ask for a minister dedicated to the industr
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Wood flooring market in China growth

Wood flooring sees growth in the flooring industry of China up from 33.9% in 2009 to 36.2% in 2014, being the second largest flooring product. Source: PR Wire In 2014, Chinese wood flooring market, affected by the depressed real estate sector at home, witnessed a slowdown in growth ra
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Softwood lumber prices worldwide

Despite reduced demand for lumber in the US, Europe and Asia, lumber production and trade volumes were relatively high during the first half of 2015, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. Source: Marketwatch The supply/demand imbalance resulted in downward price pressure in key markets
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