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Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Pillliga forest pillaged by NSW Forestry Commission

Sawmill owners in western New South Wales fear they are destroying the Pilliga forest in order to meet their timber contracts. Source: ABC News They say they are being forced to harvest increasingly younger trees — including saplings of the bare minimum size — which they say will ulti
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Vale Bob Humphreys

The forestry and timber industry has lost a giant with the passing of Bob Humphreys. Source: Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI) Mr Humphreys was a pioneer and leader of the industry in East Gippsland. He was in his 52nd year sawmilling in the region. During that time he
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Forestry contractors benefit from Burnie mill

Forestry contractors in northern Tasmania are investing millions of dollars in new equipment to supply a woodchip mill near Burnie that’s reopened under new ownership. Source: ABC Rural It’s been five years since failed timber company Gunn’s closed it’s woodchi
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Different assessments of world forests

This week we have the opportunity to compare different assessment of the world’s forests. Source: CIFOR FAO presents the results of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015) at the World Forestry Congress in Durban. Global Forest Watch has released new global satellite ob
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UK Timber Trade Federation to only buy sustainable timber

The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) in the UK has pledged to buy only timber from sustainable sources by 2020 as it signs up to the WWF UK’s Forests Campaign. Source: Supply News TTF’s 300 members include sawmills, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, and account for two thirds of
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UN says rate of global forest lost halved

The rate at which the world is losing its forests has been halved, but an area of woodland the size of South Africa has still been lost since 1990, a major UN report says. Source: Skynews Improvement has been seen around the globe, even in the key tropical rainforests of South America
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Wilderness Society says karri permit is wrong

Environment groups have renewed calls for WA’s Forest Products Commission (FPC) to have its controlled wood accreditation withdrawn. Source: ABC News The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accreditation is provided so consumers can be assured they are buying from ethical forest ma
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Open cut mining can kill trees

Open-cut mines can leave surrounding trees unable to withstand drought, according to research that may have implications for the controversial Shenhua Watermark coal project. Source: Yahoo 7 Finance Researchers have found that underground water tables can fall by up to 20m within two
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