Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Liberal support to sue Tassie individuals

Tasmanian Liberal MHR Andrew Nikolic has thrown his support behind the state government’s plans to allow companies to sue individuals, despite it unravelling nationally uniform defamation laws. Source: The Advocate The state government is pushing ahead with plans to amend the De
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Third round of funds under SE Forestry program

The South Australian Government said a failure of companies to meet selection criteria means a third round of applications for funds under the South-East Forestry Partnerships Program will open in March. Source: ABC News Forests Minister Leon Bignell said four south-east timber compan
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Hart mill now in Japanese hands

Graeme Hart’s pulp and paper mill in the Eastern Bay of Plenty in New Zealand is now in the hands of a Japanese company. Source: Sun Live Oji Holding purchased the Hart-owned Carter Holt Harvey in April 2014 for NZ$1.037 billion. The pulp and paper mill sold for just over a NZ$1
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Forest thinning protects against bushfires

The Arizona Republic recently ran several stories about efforts to thin forests in northern Arizona to protect the area from the damage, and the monetary and human cost, of wildfires. Source:AZCentral The efforts described are commendable and necessary. Removing dead wood, dry brush a
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Engineered Wood Association online wall bracing calculator

The Engineered Wood Association in the US has launched a free online Wall Line Bracing Calculator that eases the burden of interpreting wall bracing requirements by streamlining the process and bringing designers, builders and building departments onto the same page. Source: Building
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Rimu salvage underway in NZ

Helicopters have started salvaging some of the native timber blown over by Cyclone Ita on the West Coast of New Zealand in April. Source: 3News The storm destroyed thousands of hectares of forest, and over the summer hundreds of valuable rimu logs are being recovered from bush land ne
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Bee on track with forestry

Tasmania’s honey producers are forking out tens of thousands of dollars to maintain access roads into beekeeping areas as the state’s forestry industry contracts. Source: Lexis Nexus Apiarists said they hoped the recovery of the timber industry would provide access to new
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Historic Smith’s Sawmill at Naringal closing

A unique piece of south-west Victoria’s history will slowly draw to a close with Smith’s Sawmill at Naringal winding back its operations. Source: The Age The small mill has been run by the Smith family since the end of World War II and has employed two generations of the f
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