Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Plantation timber harvest opposed

The axe is to fall on Compartment 16 of Pine Creek State Forest with the start of the harvest but local environmental groups argue the timber plantation is crucial for koalas. Source: The Bellingen Shire Courier Sun
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Contractor found for Esperance blue gums

Farmers who were left with acres of trees are relieved to have closure over the blue gums they planted before the global financial crisis. Source: The Esperance Express
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A veneer idea for special Tas timbers

A fourth generation timber worker said that it was time to adopt a new attitude to Tasmania's special timbers to extend the life and value from the remaining supply. Source: ABC Rural
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WA sandalwood industry in for shake up

WA’s sandalwood industry is set for a big shake up amid fears illegal harvesting is pushing the fragile resources towards extinction. Source: The West Australian
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CFMEU joins Liberals against Forestry SA

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union has been told by Forestry SA it wants the South Australian Government’s approval to reduce its workforce by 50% within a year and halve redundancy entitlements. Source: The Flinders News, ABC Rural
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Unions’ legal action against forestry companies

The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) in New Zealand is taking legal action against two forestry companies over the deaths of workers. Source: Radio New Zealand, TVNZ
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Gippsland moves closer to timber training

Wellington Shire Council will convene a meeting to further investigate the potential for a timber and forestry education precinct for Gippsland. Source: The Gippsland Times and Maffra Spectator
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Blue gums put out to pasture

Several thousand hectares of farmland is up for grabs in Victoria, and similar land parcels have been on offer in South Australia and Western Australia in recent times. Source: ABC Online
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