Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Solomon Islands government addresses logging finance

The Solomon Islands Prime Minister said his government is addressing some of the difficulties the logging industry is having with commercial banks operating in his country. Source: Radio New Zealand
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Southeast Asia shifts to green growth

How can Southeast Asia's forests accelerate a shift to green growth, increase climate resilience and fight poverty? Source: Timberbiz
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New Forest plans a new wave of deals

San Francisco-based New Forests is planning a new wave of deals, targeting up to $1.7 billion of Australia's state-owned pine forests ahead of an expected surge in demand from China and the US. Source: The Australian
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Timber plantation sales could be cattle pasture

The possible return of tens of thousands of hectares of timber plantation to productive agricultural land across NSW’s high rainfall zones is being welcomed as a potential economic and social boon to bush communities. Source: The Land
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NZ-China FTA is a log jam

Chair of the New Zealand Wood Council Bill McCallum told the biennial Forest-Wood conference in Wellington that the Government needs to step up in a number of areas if the sector is to reach its export earnings target of $12 billion by 2022. Source: Radio New Zealand
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NZ Government urged to stimulate domestic wood demand

The Government needs to stimulate domestic demand for wood to stop New Zealand forestry from being dangerously reliant on the Chinese log trade. Sources: Fairfax NZ News,
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Timber tax concessions in NZ’s labour plan

A Labour Government in New Zealand would offer targeted tax incentives to those investing in the timber processing industry, according to a new action plan published by the opposition party. Source: Tax News
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NZ Labour to announce forestry plan

Labour is to announce a plan to get long term unemployed working in forestry when Leader David Cunliffe speaks to an industry conference in Wellington. Source: The New Zealand Herald
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