Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

NZ Greens back timber industry

The Green Party in New Zealand says it will offer a NZ$1 million prize for the first company to build a 10-storey structural timber building in New Zealand. Source: Fairfax NZ News,
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ForestrySA’s green timber for China

ForestrySA has been accused of putting timber industry jobs at risk by selling partly burnt logs to China. Source: The Flinders News
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Specialty Tasmanian timbers need new agreement

Boat builder and Tasmanian Special Timber Alliance spokesman Andrew Denman said while the peace deal did not need to be torn up it should be changed to ensure his sector remained sustainable. Sources: The Australian, ABC News
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Tasmania’s new premier owns mandate for forestry

Tasmania's incoming premier Will Hodgman is demanding green groups accept the Liberal party has a mandate to reboot the state's logging industry. Sources: AAP, ABC
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Industry signatories want Tas timber agreement to stay

The timber industry will enter talks with the incoming Tasmanian Liberal government to devise a new strategy for the sector. Source: The Australian
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World forests may hold 20% more carbon

The world's forests could hold 20% more carbon than previously thought, according to a study. Source: Climate Spectator
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Asia-Pacific deforestation continues

Asia-Pacific nations are failing to halt the loss of natural forests and grasslands, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said, robbing people of their livelihoods and worsening environmental problems like desertification and climate change. Source: Sydney Morning Herald
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Euro 120M loan for Slovakian forests

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved Slovakia a loan of EUR 120 million to finance projects contributing to afforestation, improved forest protection and management and the upgrading of agricultural infrastructure in rural areas. Source: RTT
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