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Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Greens about face for timber votes

The Greens proposed an $11.5 million timber industry investment based in Braddon, Tasmania. Source: The Advocate
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Ta Ann splits greens with peace deal but guarantees work

There appears to be a split in the environmental movement over a peace deal struck between three major green groups and the veneer producer Ta Ann Tasmania. Source: ABC News
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120m Euro loan for Slovakian forestry

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved Slovakia a loan of EUR 120 million to finance projects contributing to afforestation, improved forest protection and management and the upgrading of agricultural infrastructure in rural areas, the bank announced Monday. Source: RTT News
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Romanian deforestation

With its steep, forested mountains set against blue skies, Romania's central Pojarna Valley once looked like a postcard landscape but illegal logging has turned the site into an ugly scar. Source: Phys Org
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Stora Enso reinvests and reorganizes in Europe

Stora Enso is planning to invest EUR 28 million in modernising and developing Murow Sawmill in Poland to increase its capacity and improve its competitiveness. Source: Yahoo7
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Zelam stopping the rot

In 1988 a pair of scientists working for what is now Dow AgroSciences saw an opportunity to quit the corporate world and inspired by a shipment of medium-density fibreboard (MDF) they developed an anti-mould product. Sources: Stuff NZ, Fairfax NZ News
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Adelaide Uni to fingerprint trees in Indonesia

The University of Adelaide will step up the fight against illegal logging with a new two-year, DNA-fingerprinting project in Indonesia. Source: Newsmaker
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Support for Homeless in Mt Gambier

A ‘Support Homeless People’ bi-annual luncheon will be held at in Mount Gambier on 11 April to raise funds for local charity and their work with people experiencing homelessness. Source: Timberbiz
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