Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

American and Canadian firefighters to boost Victoria’s regional firefighting effort

Premier John Brumby today welcomed an expert team of 15 forest firefighters from the United States and Canada who arrived in Victoria to boost the state’s firefighting capacity.
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Forest Products Market Update

Global sawlog prices jumped almost 8% in the 3Q/09 because of improved lumber markets in the US and Europe, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.
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GBCA decision on timber credits good news for engineered wood

The decision by the Green Building Council of Australia to revise its timber credit to allow equal consideration of the Australian Forestry Standard and Forest Stewardship Council schemes ‘levels the playing field and gives Australian and New Zealand members hard-won access to the gre
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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir, Why do Governments waste money on environmental studies, judicial enquiries, and natural resource assessments, when they have no intention of accepting recommendations contrary to their wishes?
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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir, Why do Governments waste money on environmental studies, judicial enquiries, and natural resource assessments, when they have no intention of accepting recommendations contrary to their wishes?
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Trees on Farms

An innovative tree planting project being developed by Forestry Tasmania will deliver significant benefits to farmers and help offset global warming.
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Forest Products Market Update

Higher hardwood pulpwood costs in Brazil, Australia, Russia and Sweden pushed the 3Q/09 Global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) to the highest level in 12 months, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. The HFPI was over six percent higher than theGlobal Softwood Fiber Price Index (SFPI
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Submit your abstracts on the World Bioenergy website

If you are interested in holding a presentation, or exhibiting a poster at the largest bioenergy event in the world you are welcome to visit our website and the Conference & Excursions pages.
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