Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Forklift operators will be put to the test

AUSTRALIA’S BEST forklift operators are getting ready to battle for the title of Champion Driver at Melbourne Materials Handling Trade Show 2009, which will host the finals of the National Forklift Championships for the first time.
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Forklift operators will be put to the test

AUSTRALIA’S BEST forklift operators are getting ready to battle for the title of Champion Driver at Melbourne Materials Handling Trade Show 2009, which will host the finals of the National Forklift Championships for the first time.
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Snap ‘n zap puts you in the picture

WHEN YOU have a party, a meeting, special occasion or just a social gathering there’s always someone with a camera, so, snap off the best shots you can and send them to us ([email protected]). Your Christmas parties will provide the perfect opportunity. Add a few deta
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Forestry Tasmania on target for performance objectives

THE end of conversion of native forests to plantations, development of alternatives to clearfelling, absence of chemicals in water samples, more open communication and closer ties with the community are among achievements listed in Forestry Tasmania’s 2007/08 Sustainable Forest Manage
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Grateful thanks to firefighters

The Brumby Government has thanked overseas and interstate firefighters for their contribution to the ongoing effort to fight Victoria’s bushfires.
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Grave concerns for Chester ecosystems, surrounding life and property

The WA Forest Products Commission (FPC) has expressed growing concern at the activities of the Chester Forest Action Group (CFAG), which is actually doing more harm than good through damage to the areas ecosystem.
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The Victorian Association of Forest Industries (VAFI) has today announced the creation of a new industry wide bushfire support initiative to assist in the rebuilding of communities and townships devastated by recent fires.
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Global financial meltdown haunts the huge Australian woodchip trade to North Asia

For decades the Japanese pulp industry has been remarkably resilient in its use of imported hardwood chips, even as global pulp demand cycles waxed and waned. Indeed, in 2008 a record 12.3 million BDMT's of hardwood chips were imported with Australia being the largest supplier, deliv
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