Australasia's home for timber news and information

Latest timber industry news, updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

New exhibitors and new fire and security area for Safety In Action

The 10,000 or more visitors expected to return to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre for Safety In Action and Melbourne Materials Handling next March will see plenty of fresh OHS exhibitors and an entirely new fire and security feature area. The new feature area will host suppliers of f
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When slash becomes something special

There’s a special pre-show conference at Elmia Wood 2009 and basically it’s for international bioenergy pioneers.
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New tool monitors chemical risk factors

A Tasmanian adaptation of the CSIRO’s Pesticide Impact Rating Index (PIRI), which analyses the mobility and toxicity of chemicals according to site, operational and climatic conditions, is one of the latest aids for forestry workers.
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EITE – Right direction, long way to go

A3P, the peak body for the plantation products and paper industry, has acknowledged the Australian Government’s foresight in addressing the key issue for a non-global emission trading scheme through its recognition of emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries in the Carbon Polluti
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Woodchips lead the way in export growth

The value of Australia’s forest product exports rose significantly in 2007-08, growing by 5% over the year to reach $2.5 billion, driven by woodchip export growth and to a lesser extent growth in recovered paper exports.
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Mill upgrade is a key strategic development

Construction of the Maryvale Mill pulp upgrade is now complete and is a key strategic development that will provide benefits to all stakeholders, according to the Managing Director of PaperlinX, Tom Park.
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Time to get back to the grassroots

Tish Campbell, Western Australia’s Timber Communities Australia manager for the past seven years has decided to call it quits. Basically on the eve of stepping away from a job she sees as essential, Tish sounded a warning on where the organisation was heading.
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Snap and Zap and put your people on show

When you have a party, a meeting, special occasion or just a social gathering there’s always someone with a camera, so, snap off the best shots you can and send them to us ([email protected]).
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