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Russian forest study by UN released

The forest sector in the Russian Federation needs to use innovations and breakthrough technologies to maximise its potential as a global mitigator of climate change and an important source of timber, according to a new study by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of the Russian Federation. Source: Food & Beverage News (India)

Russia has more than one fifth of the world’s forests, which makes it the largest forest country in the world. However, the considerable potential of Russian forests is under utilised and Russia’s share of the global trade in forest products is less than 4%.

Lack of governance, outdated equipment and underfinancing are among major factors that impede the development of the Russian forest sector, according to the report.

The Russian Forest Sector Outlook Study to 2030 urges immediate action on modernising the Russian forest sector, increasing its investment attractiveness, stimulating domestic demand for forest products such as wooden housing and furniture, addressing the illegal logging issues and reforming forest public institutions and legislation.

According to the study, by 2030 the forest area in the Russian Federation will increase by almost 1.5% from 882 million hectares in 2010 to 895 million hectares.

The study estimates that if the investment flow in the forest sector increases by five times from its current level under such favourable conditions, pulp and paper production should grow by 2030 from 7.7 million tonnes in 2010 to 25.5 million tonnes, the report says.

Forests in the Russian Federation play a crucial role in stabilising the globe’s climate. For example, the country provided more than 90 per cent of the carbon sink of the world’s boreal forests in 2000-2007.