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Vic Code of Practice for Timber Production submissions close today

Submissions to the Victorian Code of Practice for Timber Production close today and the organisation representing timber merchants and retailers is urging members to make a submission. Source: Timberbiz

The MGA/TMA, says that if the code is not fixed, contractors and their crews are likely to be stood down and wood supply to sawmills may diminish further or cease completely.

The MGA/TMA says that with the existing timber supply issues, the industry cannot afford to have even less product available.

“As we know, there is a great sense of pride among timber communities and their contribution to Victoria over many generations,” the MGA/TMA told its members.

The MGA/TMA was proud of its sustainable industry, which supplied wood fibre products that Victorians utilise every day.

“The Victorian native forestry needs your help,” the MGA/TMA said.

“Please go to and let the Victorian Government know you support changes to the Code of Practice for Timber Production by making a submission before it closes today.”

MGA/TMA said it was making a submission but with the additional voices of its members via their submissions, the greater chance they have of being heard.